Burning Man, Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA

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Burning Man is the festival that happens every year at the Black Rock Desert in the northern Nevada, in the United States. It last the week and it starts on the last Monday in August, and ends on the first Monday in September which is also known as Labour Day in U.S.

The festival is known as Burning Man because the large sculpture of a man is set on the fire on Saturday. The festival has been happening every year since 1990. Many people go to Burning Man in 2012. The Black desert is far from any cities or towns and is very dry, so the people who go to the Burning Man have to bring their own water, food and shelter.


Burning Man was started in the year 1985 at San Francisco. An artist named Larry Harvey made the 9 foot tall (2.7m) wooden sculpture of the man, and decided to burn it nearby beach as the bonfire for Summer Solstice. It was the success, so he did it again in the couple of years after that. Each year the sculpture was made bigger.

In the year 1990, the police stopped Harvey from burning the man because Harvey did not have permit. Around the same time, two people named the Kavin Evans and John Law were planning thee group trip to the dry lake, called the Playa, in the Black Rock Desert. They were members of the group of Dadaists named the Cacophony Society. Harvey decided to take the sculpture, which had taken apart, to the desert to be burned. They were the members of the group of Dadaists named the Cacophony Society. Then the Harley decided to take the sculpture, which had been taken apart to the desert to be burned. Since that time the festival has happened in the desert.

On e of the members of the Cacaphony society is named Michael Mikel, who uses the name “Danger Ranger”. He was worried about people getting lost in the desert which can be very dangerous. He started the group named as the Black Rock Rangers to help keep the people safe and to help break up conflicts.

Starting in the 1991, Harvey got a permit from the Bureau of Land Management (who take care of land owned by the US government) to hold the festival. The festival became more popular every year.